Grid search data structures

During a grid search

ds = grid_search(data, greens, misfit, origins, sources)

the misfit function is evaluated over all origins and sources.

The result is a data strucutre ds containing both misfit values and grid points.

Input data structures

The origins data structure

  • Is simply a list of Origin objects

  • Allows for searching over depth, latitude, longitude and/or origin time, as specified by the attributes of the Origin objects in the list

The sources data structure

  • Can be either a regularly-spaced Grid or an irregularly-spaced UnstructuredGrid

  • Allows for searching over any subset of moment tensor space or force space, including these currently-implemented moment tensor grids and force grids

Output data structures

If sources is regularly spaced, the output ds will be a subclass of xarray DataArray.

If sources is irregularly spaced, the output ds will be a subclass of pandas DataFrame.

See also reading and writing grid search results.