Quick start

An easy way to get started is to try out these examples, which estimate source parameters for an event from Silwal2016.

Before running any of the scripts, users must first install MTUQ. After installation finishes, examples can be invoked within the examples/ directory as follows:

python ./<name_of_example>


The first time an example runs, Green’s functions will be downloaded, which can take several minutes. Any subsequent runs will be much faster.

Serial example

The simplest example is SerialGridSearch.DoubleCouple.py. After running the script, users can check their output against this expected result.

A typical runtime is about 60 seconds. For faster results, GridSearch.DoubleCouple.py runs the same inversion in parallel.

Parallel examples

All the other examples include MPI parallelization for faster evaluation on parallel systems.

To see if MPI executables and libraries are present, start by checking if mpirun is on the system path. If necessary, ask a system administrator for assistance installing or configuring MPI.

If MPI is present, run the parallel examples as follows:

mpirun -n <nproc> python ./<name_of_example>

Note that the examples will still work if invoked without mpirun, but running times will be longer.


[Silwal2016] Vipul Silwal and Carl Tape (2016), Seismic moment tensors and estimated uncertainties in southern Alaska, JGR, https://doi.org/10.1002/2015JB012588