static PyGMTUtilities.get_resolution(lon_range, lat_range)[source]

Determines the appropriate PyGMT etopo grid resolution based on longitude and latitude ranges.


lon_range (float): The longitudinal range of the area of interest.

lat_range (float): The latitudinal range of the area of interest.


resolution (str): The resolution string for PyGMT, e.g., ‘01m’, ’15s’, …, based on the size of the specified area.


The resolution is determined based on predefined thresholds for the ranges, aiming to balance detail and performance for different scales of geographic areas

  • If lon_range > 10 or lat_range > 10, the resolution is ‘01m’.

  • If lon_range > 5 or lat_range > 5, the resolution is ’15s’.

  • If lon_range > 2 or lat_range > 2, the resolution is ’03s’.

  • If lon_range > 1 or lat_range > 1, the resolution is ’01s’.

Otherwise, the resolution is ‘05m’.