
class mtuq.Wavelet[source]

Bases: object

Source wavelet/source-time function base class

Most easily, an analytical expression can be used to define the wavelet, but a user-supplied time series or on-the-fly numerical procedure can also be used. By inheriting from this class and implementing the evaluate method, all of these differents types of wavelets can be defined.


We can implement a Gaussian function with unit standard deviation as follows:

class SimpleGaussian(Wavelet):
    def evaluate(self, t):
        return ((2*np.pi)**0.5)**(-1.)*np.exp(-0.5*(t)**2.)

We can now evaluate SimpleGaussian on any given set, say, on the interval [-5, +5]:

wavelet = SimpleGaussian()

t = np.linspace(-5,. +5., 101)
y = wavelet.evaluate(t)

Or we can convolve it with an ObsPy trace:

from obspy import read
trace = read('')[0]
convolved_trace = wavelet.convolve(trace)

Public Methods


Convolves ObsPy trace with given wavelet


Evaluates wavelet at chosen points

Private Methods


Private methods are mainly for internal/developer use and their API might change without notice.


Convolves NumPy array with given wavelet


Evaluates wavelet on an interval about zero