Source code for mtuq

# suppress warnings

# ObsPy returns numerous warnings of this type - FutureWarning: Passing 
# (type, 1) or '1type' as a synonym of type is deprecated; in a future version
# of numpy, it will be understood as (type, (1,)) / '(1,)type'.

import warnings

# Suppress Instaseis warning that gets raised unnecessarily during git+https
# installation

     message='.*'+'Use the proper pypi release or install from git.'+'.*')


# make key objects easily accessible

from mtuq.dataset import Dataset
from mtuq.greens_tensor.base import GreensTensor, GreensTensorList
from mtuq.event import Origin, Force, MomentTensor
from mtuq.station import Station
from mtuq.wavelet import Wavelet

from mtuq.grid import Grid, UnstructuredGrid
from mtuq.grid_search import MTUQDataArray, MTUQDataFrame, open_ds
from mtuq.misfit import PolarityMisfit, WaveformMisfit
from mtuq.process_data import ProcessData

# for backward compatibility
Misfit = WaveformMisfit

# commented out because of namespace conflict
#from mtuq.grid_search import grid_search

# register I/O functions

from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points
from import download_greens_tensors

def _greens_tensor_clients():
    clients = {}
    for entry_point in iter_entry_points('greens_tensor_clients'):
        clients[] = entry_point.load()
    return clients

[docs]def open_db(path_or_url='', format='', **kwargs): """ Opens database containing Green's functions Returns a client that can then be used to generate ``GreensTensor`` objects, as in the following example .. rubric:: Example .. code:: db = open_db('', format='AxiSEM') greens = db.get_greens_tensors(stations, origin) """ format = format.upper() return _greens_tensor_clients()[format](path_or_url=path_or_url, **kwargs)
def _readers(): readers = {} for entry_point in iter_entry_points('readers'): readers[] = entry_point.load() return readers
[docs]def read(path='', format='', **kwargs): """ Reads waveform files from disk Reads files from specified path or url, parses waveform data based on the specified file format, and returns an ``mtuq.Dataset``, a container in which each element is an ObsPy stream corresponding to a single station """ format = format.upper() return _readers()[format](path, **kwargs)
# # ensures MPI will work, even if users create bound methods # import copyreg import types def _pickle_method(method): func_name = method.im_func.__name__ obj = method.im_self cls = method.im_class return _unpickle_method, (func_name, obj, cls) def _unpickle_method(func_name, obj, cls): for cls in cls.mro(): try: func = cls.__dict__[func_name] except KeyError: pass else: break return func.__get__(obj, cls) copyreg.pickle(types.MethodType, _pickle_method, _unpickle_method)